ž  Everyone knows and talks about equality and unbiasness between Man and Woman
ž  There are protests, strikes, movements for getting “Gender Equality”.
ž  Whether Gender biasness is man made or natural? There are certain natural factors, which creates a comparison as well as disparity between man and woman.

ž  1. Gender difference due to Physical traits
2. Health based biasness
3. Sex difference due to Psychology

1. Gender difference due to Physical traits

ž  • An average man is taller than an average woman.
• Men usually have more body hair than women.
• On average, men are stronger than women, particularly in the upper body.
• On average, girls begin puberty approximately two years before boys.
• Female fertility declines after age 35 and ends with the menopause. Men are capable of fathering children into old age. 

ž  Men’s skin is thicker (more collagen) and oilier (more sebum) than women’s skin[1].
• Women generally have a smaller waist-to-hip ratio and a greater body fat percentage than men.
• Men and women have different levels of certain hormones. Men have a higher concentration of androgens while women have a higher concentration of estrogens
These are some differences and many are still there to prove the physial difference.

2. Health based biasness

ž  Overall rates of mental illness are similar for men and women. There is no significant gender difference in rates of schizophrenia and bipolar depression. Women are more likely to suffer from unipolar depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Men are more likely to suffer from alcoholism and antisocial personality.

ž  Worldwide, more men than women are infected with HIV. The exception is sub-Saharan Africa, where more women than men are infected. Adult males are more likely to be diagnosed with tuberculosis. The difference is also very much visible here.

3.Sex difference due to Psychology

ž  There are different parts like communication, thinking, problem solving, analyzing things or synthesizing, happiness or sorrow, creativity or intelligence in Psychology ,where there is a difference persists.
ž  Though the differences in gender exists which may be due to biological or social reasons but that should not be exploited in a negative way.

ž  Discrimination on the ground of gender should always be avoided. There should be a critical assessment when anti-female bias is in action. Man and Women are beautiful creations of god. Both of them are incomplete without each other

What is gender equality?

ž  It is an integral part of human rights that aims to promote the full participation of women and men in society.

ž  It does not mean that women and men should be treated the same. 
ž  Moreover, equal treatment of women and men will not necessarily lead to the fact equality, as living conditions of women and men differ.

ž  There are differences between the genders BUT
ž  Should not have negative impact on the living conditions of both women and men
ž  Should not discriminate against them
ž  Should contribute to an equal sharing of power in economy, society and policy-making processes

Gender Issues and Women Concerns

Millenium Development Goal (MDG), 2000

  1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. Achieve universal primary education
  3. Promote gender equality and empower women
  4. Reduce child mortality
  5. Improve maternal health
  6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
  7. Ensure environmental sustainability
  8. Develop a global partnership for development

Poverty is a cause and effect of gender inequality. Poverty reduction efforts need to focus on women as they are the poorest of the poor. Women are less endowed with productive assets than men. Therefore, women should be given priority in human development investment.
Women manage natural resources. They are thus the natural partners in the management of natural resources and environment.
In 2002-2003, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) examined women’s progress in:

    1. Literacy and education
    2. Paid employment and political decision making
    3. Addressing the impact of armed conflict on women and their important role in peace building
    4. End of violence against women

Progress of the World’s Women 2002 reported that…
Gender equality can mean different things to different societies.
Progress in one area does not guarantee progress in all areas: women may enjoy certain rights yet still suffer extreme discrimination.

Four Priorities

1.  Achieving gender equality -  in education, health, labor markets, political life, and social opportunities – is fundamental.
¡  According to a World Bank paper
¢  “attempting to meet the objectives without promoting gender equality will both increase the costs and reduce the likelihood of attaining the goals.”      
¡  2.  Investing in the education, health, safety, and economic well-being of adolescents, especially girls, is a priority.

¡  3.  Reducing women’s and girls’ time-poverty through well-designed gender-sensitive infrastructure investments and public policies that support women’s care responsibilities is critical.

¡  4.  Sex-disaggregated data are key to catalyzing and monitoring progress towards MDG.

Mainstreaming a gender perspective

ž  Is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. 

ž  It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. 
ž  The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.

Do we need to focus on men’s health now?

ž  Current evidence does little to suggest that there are fundamental changes taking place in the power base of society or the gender order that underpins gender health profiles.

ž  Gender-based differences in employment status within the informal (and formal) sector
ž  Women are more-likely to be own-account workers and subcontract workers and are less-likely than men to be owner-operators or paid employees of informal enterprises
ž  Effects of the gender-based differences in employment status

ž  Average female income in 2001 was almost 50% lower than that of males
ž  Women with low skills and in poorly paid jobs create a condition of dependency on male incomes à hampers personal autonomy and well-being
ž  Low employment opportunities à leave the country

ž  In 2001, 49% of the one million overseas Filipino workers were women
In 1994, the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) estimated that 68% of women overseas had been subjected to physical or sexual violence and exploitation
ž  Violence of women is widespread
¡  Effects:
¢  Health problems
¢  Affects their earning, job performances, and ability to keep a job
  Low productivity of women à vulnerability to income and human poverty
ž  Need to increase participation of women in politics and governance
ž  Males continue to dominate decision-making processes


ž  ‘Gender inequality is not a problem that has no solution. 
ž  Ultimately, political commitment and determination at the highest levels of international agencies and national governments are required to end gender inequality and empower women.
ž  Gender-based differences in employment status within the informal (and formal) sector

ž  Women are more-likely to be own-account workers and subcontract workers and are less-likely than men to be owner-operators or paid employees of informal enterprises

ž  Effects of the gender-based differences in employment status
ž  Average female income in 2001 was almost 50% lower than that of males
ž  Women with low skills and in poorly paid jobs create a condition of dependency on male incomes à hampers personal autonomy and well-being

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1.     Direct discrimination:

  1.  At times there are instances where people treat you differently at workplace.
  2. Direct discrimination includes acts like difference in salary based on gender although both are doing the same job, or promoting someone because they are single instead of an equally qualified person. 

 2. Indirect discrimination:

ž   Instances where people are indirectly discriminated against include examples where a certain set of rules or laws are made which indirectly imply that people of a certain gender cannot qualify those laws or rules. 

3. Harassment at work:

This type of discrimination is perhaps the worst of the lot since it not only discriminates but causes emotional as well as psychological trauma for the employee who is discriminated against. Sexual or verbal harassment or inferior treatment owing to gender is included under this category. 

4. Victimization

ž  Unfair or biased treatment based on the employee’s gender translates into victimization at work. This is also a form of employee discrimination based on gender.

Effects of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

ž  reflects in the performance of the company. An organization in which gender discrimination is rampant, compromises on the quality of work of its employees.
ž  Surely the affected individuals cannot work under stressful conditions.
gender discrimination may result in poor retention and the company may lose potential employees due to its negative image. 

How to Handle
Gender Discrimination at Workplace

ž  Talk to your seniors about it and let them know how you feel. Do not hesitate to be honest enough to speak up your mind. In case your senior is the miscreant encouraging gender discrimination, try and approach the higher authority to look into the matter.
ž  You can also discuss this issue with your HR (human resources) manager. There also exist several organizations like trade unions or even employment tribunals that support employee rights and look into matters of employment discrimination.
ž  In case talking things through fails you, you can always resort to the law to help you out. Always remember that gender discrimination at workplace or anywhere for that matter should not be ignored or taken lightly. It is a breach of human rights, as well as a serious breach of law.

Preventing Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

ž  The management should ensure that all the policies of the company, right from recruitment to benefits for the employees do not violate their right to equality. Strict action should be taken by the management against those who violate gender equality policies irrespective of their position within the organization
ž  Those who are wondering how to prevent gender discrimination in the workplace also need to understand that it is not just the management but the employees themselves who can prevent such violation of their rights. They can do this by being aware of their rights as far being treated fairly at their workplace is concerned.

Both the federal and state laws require companies to ensure that there is:

ž  Equal pay for equal work
ž  Uniform policies for male and female employees (this includes all policies including the spouse of the employees)
ž  Equal treatment at workplace with respect to promotions, pay raises, other medical or financial benefits

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Globalization: Concepts and Practices


Globalization is the strategy, process, procedure or technique of optimizing the resources available in various countries and catering to customers throughout the world with internationally standardized products, at competitive prices.

Driving Forces for Globalization


Criteria for Globalization

ž  Size of the market
ž  Location advantage
ž  Global competitiveness
ž  Management efficiency and mindset
ž  Vision and long term objective
ž  Right human resource to handle

Stages of Globalization

ž  Make the presence feel – the move for product or service
ž  Study the whole nation and explore the avenues for production
ž  Set up production facility with a local or alone
ž  Expanding to neighboring areas through production
ž  Review all the pitfalls and gear up to other regions
ž  Emerging as global enterprise


ž  Distance
          Physical distance
          Psychic distance
ž  Context
          Political system
          Tax system
          Judicial system
          Labour system
ž  Resources

Speed of Global Expansion

ž  Slow globalization
ž  Rapid globalization
          Competitor’s can easily replicate company’s idea of success
          Scale of economies is important
          Highly capable management

Role of Global Manager

ž  Strong information base
ž  Multi-lingual skills
ž  Adaptable
ž  Innovative
ž  Cost management
ž  Understand the strategies of their competitors
ž  Understand and implement all the organizational policies

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          Practice of management in which orders are issued with threats of punishment for disobedience, and which is based on the belief that status and power differences in an organization are appropriate and must be maintained.

          An authoritarian leadership style is being used when a leader who dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates.

          Totalitarianism can also mean that the country might be ruled by one person. It means that one person or party holds absolute control. It generally means that the population is excluded from the political process, and any form of dissent is met with force.


          Authoritarian leaders are commonly referred to as autocratic leaders. They provide clear expectations for what, when and how something should be done. There is also a clear divide between the leader and the followers.
          Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the group. Authoritarian leaders uphold stringent control over their followers by directly regulating rules, methodologies, and actions.

          Authoritarian leaders construct gaps and build distance between themselves and their followers with the intention of stressing role distinctions. Abuse of this style is usually viewed as controlling, bossy and dictatorial.

Communication Patterns of Authoritarian Leadership

          Downward, one-way communication (i.e. leaders to followers, or supervisors to subordinates)

          Controls discussion with followers

          Dominates interaction

          Independently/unilaterally sets policy and procedures

          Individually directs the completion of tasks

          Does not offer constant feedback

          Rewards acquiescent obedient behavior and punishes erroneous actions

          Poor listener

          Uses conflict for individual gain

Effects of Authoritarian Leadership Communication Styles

          Increase in productivity when leader is present 

          Produces more accurate solutions when leaser is knowledgeable 

          Is more positively accepted in larger groups 

          Enhances performance on simple tasks and decreases performance on complex tasks 

          Increases aggression levels among followers

Examples of Authoritarian Leaders  

          Benito Mussolini – Italian leader that became Dollfuss' principal foreign ally. Italy guaranteed Austrian independence at Riccione (August 1933), but in return Austria had to abolish all political parties and reform its constitution on the Fascist model. In March 1933, Dollfuss’ attacks on Parliament culminated that September in the permanent abolition of the legislature and the formation of a corporate state based on his Vaterländische Front (“Fatherland Front”); with which he expected to replace Austria’s political parties. In foreign affairs he steered a course that converted Austria virtually into an Italian satellite state. Hoping therewith to prevent Austria’s incorporation into Nazi Germany, he fought his domestic political opponents along fascist-authoritarian lines

          Adolf Hitler - was extremely authoritarian. He required the population of the Third Reich to accept everything that he said as absolute law, and was able to impose a death sentence on anyone who failed to do so. Hitler was obsessed with being in control, and with being the alpha male in a rigid male dominance hierarchy.

          Bill Gates - adopted this style and has steered Microsoft toward great success. Autocratic leadership style works well if the leader is competent and knowledgeable enough to decide about each and everything. Authoritative is considered one of the most effective leadership styles in case there is some emergency and quick decisions need to be taken

Countries that practice Authoritarian style:

          China, North Korea, Burma, Zimbabwe. 

          There is also at the moment in Libya with Gaddafi and in the war Germany was one with Adolf Hitler



          The term "totalitarianism" describes a government that controls all aspects of its citizens' lives. It is characterized by a one-party government, often headed by one charismatic leader. Totalitarian states include several regimes that compel entire populations to support an ideology or government. Such states commonly use secret police, propaganda, terror tactics and elimination of criticism of the regime to maintain their power.

          Totalitarianism governments are similar to dictatorships and fascist governments in their ideology and the power they give to their leaders. However, totalitarianism differs from other governments in that the government typically focuses on one goal. These governments are considered cruel and unfair by most people and typically infringe on the personal freedoms of their citizen

Ideas of Totalitarian Governments

          Strong, Central Government

                -The government is in charge of all social, political and business organizations and demands control and respect.

          Social Institutions
                - social institutions are swept aside in favor of government institutions. Totalitarian governments might put a stop to social traditions, such as weddings and funerals.

                - totalitarian governments must censor media outlets such as newspapers, books, TV shows and movies. Many times, the government seizes control of a media outlet, making it impossible to publish stories that reveal government failures. The government may suppress any anti-government editorials or make it illegal to criticize the government.

          Police and Violence

                - Police in a totalitarian state often operate under rules and regulations that are unknown to the public and might engage against violence against nonviolent dissenters or protesters. Large-scale violence is common in totalitarian regimes and might include attacks on social groups, assassination of those who previously held power or the elimination of people who wield influence and refuse to bend to the will of the government. The leader of the government is considered the leader of the police and can order violence or attacks without asking other government organizations for permission.


          What is an example of totalitarian government?
                Controlling every aspect of public and private life in a country. 

          What are historical examples of totalitarianism?
                Historical examples of Totalitarian dictators and totalitarianism include Adolf Hitler of Germany, Joseph Stalin of Russia/Soviet Union. (It is known as the Soviet Union under communism) Another example is Mao from China and Benito Mussolini

          What are examples of totalitarian countries?
                A totalitarian government is a country run with only one political party, like China, or North Korea. The government can prevent people from doing anything including leaving the country.


Role conception
Leader as individual
Leader as function
Ends of power
Official ideology
Limited pluralism

Other differences

-         leave a larger sphere for private life
-          lack a guiding ideology, tolerate some pluralism in social organization
-         lack the power to mobilize the whole population in pursuit of national goals
-          exercise their power within relatively predictable limits.
·       'An authoritarian regime' denotes a state in which the single power holder - an individual 'dictator', a committee or a junta - monopolizes political power
·       Authoritarian  refers to the structure of government  rather than to society.
A  totalitarian regime does much more. It attempts to control virtually all aspects of the social life including economy, education, art, science, private life and morals of citizens.
The officially proclaimed ideology, penetrates into the deepest reaches of societal structure and the totalitarian government seeks to completely control the thoughts and actions of its citizens .


  1. An authoritarian regime has one ruler, a leader or a committee, the same as a totalitarian, only in an extreme way.
  2. The totalitarian has charisma over his people while the authoritarian imposes fear over those who oppose and rewards those that are loyal to him.
  3. The totalitarian is more of a divine ideologist who will save the people, while the authoritarian is focused more on control and status quo as an individualist.
  4. The totalitarian uses his prophetic leadership to drive the people, while the authoritarian uses political parties, mass organizations, and other propagandas to make the people follow him.

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