1.     Direct discrimination:

  1.  At times there are instances where people treat you differently at workplace.
  2. Direct discrimination includes acts like difference in salary based on gender although both are doing the same job, or promoting someone because they are single instead of an equally qualified person. 

 2. Indirect discrimination:

ž   Instances where people are indirectly discriminated against include examples where a certain set of rules or laws are made which indirectly imply that people of a certain gender cannot qualify those laws or rules. 

3. Harassment at work:

This type of discrimination is perhaps the worst of the lot since it not only discriminates but causes emotional as well as psychological trauma for the employee who is discriminated against. Sexual or verbal harassment or inferior treatment owing to gender is included under this category. 

4. Victimization

ž  Unfair or biased treatment based on the employee’s gender translates into victimization at work. This is also a form of employee discrimination based on gender.

Effects of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

ž  reflects in the performance of the company. An organization in which gender discrimination is rampant, compromises on the quality of work of its employees.
ž  Surely the affected individuals cannot work under stressful conditions.
gender discrimination may result in poor retention and the company may lose potential employees due to its negative image. 

How to Handle
Gender Discrimination at Workplace

ž  Talk to your seniors about it and let them know how you feel. Do not hesitate to be honest enough to speak up your mind. In case your senior is the miscreant encouraging gender discrimination, try and approach the higher authority to look into the matter.
ž  You can also discuss this issue with your HR (human resources) manager. There also exist several organizations like trade unions or even employment tribunals that support employee rights and look into matters of employment discrimination.
ž  In case talking things through fails you, you can always resort to the law to help you out. Always remember that gender discrimination at workplace or anywhere for that matter should not be ignored or taken lightly. It is a breach of human rights, as well as a serious breach of law.

Preventing Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

ž  The management should ensure that all the policies of the company, right from recruitment to benefits for the employees do not violate their right to equality. Strict action should be taken by the management against those who violate gender equality policies irrespective of their position within the organization
ž  Those who are wondering how to prevent gender discrimination in the workplace also need to understand that it is not just the management but the employees themselves who can prevent such violation of their rights. They can do this by being aware of their rights as far being treated fairly at their workplace is concerned.

Both the federal and state laws require companies to ensure that there is:

ž  Equal pay for equal work
ž  Uniform policies for male and female employees (this includes all policies including the spouse of the employees)
ž  Equal treatment at workplace with respect to promotions, pay raises, other medical or financial benefits

(: Thanks for reading :)

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