ž  Everyone knows and talks about equality and unbiasness between Man and Woman
ž  There are protests, strikes, movements for getting “Gender Equality”.
ž  Whether Gender biasness is man made or natural? There are certain natural factors, which creates a comparison as well as disparity between man and woman.

ž  1. Gender difference due to Physical traits
2. Health based biasness
3. Sex difference due to Psychology

1. Gender difference due to Physical traits

ž  • An average man is taller than an average woman.
• Men usually have more body hair than women.
• On average, men are stronger than women, particularly in the upper body.
• On average, girls begin puberty approximately two years before boys.
• Female fertility declines after age 35 and ends with the menopause. Men are capable of fathering children into old age. 

ž  Men’s skin is thicker (more collagen) and oilier (more sebum) than women’s skin[1].
• Women generally have a smaller waist-to-hip ratio and a greater body fat percentage than men.
• Men and women have different levels of certain hormones. Men have a higher concentration of androgens while women have a higher concentration of estrogens
These are some differences and many are still there to prove the physial difference.

2. Health based biasness

ž  Overall rates of mental illness are similar for men and women. There is no significant gender difference in rates of schizophrenia and bipolar depression. Women are more likely to suffer from unipolar depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Men are more likely to suffer from alcoholism and antisocial personality.

ž  Worldwide, more men than women are infected with HIV. The exception is sub-Saharan Africa, where more women than men are infected. Adult males are more likely to be diagnosed with tuberculosis. The difference is also very much visible here.

3.Sex difference due to Psychology

ž  There are different parts like communication, thinking, problem solving, analyzing things or synthesizing, happiness or sorrow, creativity or intelligence in Psychology ,where there is a difference persists.
ž  Though the differences in gender exists which may be due to biological or social reasons but that should not be exploited in a negative way.

ž  Discrimination on the ground of gender should always be avoided. There should be a critical assessment when anti-female bias is in action. Man and Women are beautiful creations of god. Both of them are incomplete without each other

What is gender equality?

ž  It is an integral part of human rights that aims to promote the full participation of women and men in society.

ž  It does not mean that women and men should be treated the same. 
ž  Moreover, equal treatment of women and men will not necessarily lead to the fact equality, as living conditions of women and men differ.

ž  There are differences between the genders BUT
ž  Should not have negative impact on the living conditions of both women and men
ž  Should not discriminate against them
ž  Should contribute to an equal sharing of power in economy, society and policy-making processes

Gender Issues and Women Concerns

Millenium Development Goal (MDG), 2000

  1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  2. Achieve universal primary education
  3. Promote gender equality and empower women
  4. Reduce child mortality
  5. Improve maternal health
  6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
  7. Ensure environmental sustainability
  8. Develop a global partnership for development

Poverty is a cause and effect of gender inequality. Poverty reduction efforts need to focus on women as they are the poorest of the poor. Women are less endowed with productive assets than men. Therefore, women should be given priority in human development investment.
Women manage natural resources. They are thus the natural partners in the management of natural resources and environment.
In 2002-2003, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) examined women’s progress in:

    1. Literacy and education
    2. Paid employment and political decision making
    3. Addressing the impact of armed conflict on women and their important role in peace building
    4. End of violence against women

Progress of the World’s Women 2002 reported that…
Gender equality can mean different things to different societies.
Progress in one area does not guarantee progress in all areas: women may enjoy certain rights yet still suffer extreme discrimination.

Four Priorities

1.  Achieving gender equality -  in education, health, labor markets, political life, and social opportunities – is fundamental.
¡  According to a World Bank paper
¢  “attempting to meet the objectives without promoting gender equality will both increase the costs and reduce the likelihood of attaining the goals.”      
¡  2.  Investing in the education, health, safety, and economic well-being of adolescents, especially girls, is a priority.

¡  3.  Reducing women’s and girls’ time-poverty through well-designed gender-sensitive infrastructure investments and public policies that support women’s care responsibilities is critical.

¡  4.  Sex-disaggregated data are key to catalyzing and monitoring progress towards MDG.

Mainstreaming a gender perspective

ž  Is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. 

ž  It is a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. 
ž  The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.

Do we need to focus on men’s health now?

ž  Current evidence does little to suggest that there are fundamental changes taking place in the power base of society or the gender order that underpins gender health profiles.

ž  Gender-based differences in employment status within the informal (and formal) sector
ž  Women are more-likely to be own-account workers and subcontract workers and are less-likely than men to be owner-operators or paid employees of informal enterprises
ž  Effects of the gender-based differences in employment status

ž  Average female income in 2001 was almost 50% lower than that of males
ž  Women with low skills and in poorly paid jobs create a condition of dependency on male incomes à hampers personal autonomy and well-being
ž  Low employment opportunities à leave the country

ž  In 2001, 49% of the one million overseas Filipino workers were women
In 1994, the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) estimated that 68% of women overseas had been subjected to physical or sexual violence and exploitation
ž  Violence of women is widespread
¡  Effects:
¢  Health problems
¢  Affects their earning, job performances, and ability to keep a job
  Low productivity of women à vulnerability to income and human poverty
ž  Need to increase participation of women in politics and governance
ž  Males continue to dominate decision-making processes


ž  ‘Gender inequality is not a problem that has no solution. 
ž  Ultimately, political commitment and determination at the highest levels of international agencies and national governments are required to end gender inequality and empower women.
ž  Gender-based differences in employment status within the informal (and formal) sector

ž  Women are more-likely to be own-account workers and subcontract workers and are less-likely than men to be owner-operators or paid employees of informal enterprises

ž  Effects of the gender-based differences in employment status
ž  Average female income in 2001 was almost 50% lower than that of males
ž  Women with low skills and in poorly paid jobs create a condition of dependency on male incomes à hampers personal autonomy and well-being

(: Thanks for reading :)

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